Kits Passing in the Night
To the left of me, about five feet away from my desk, is a sliding glass door that opens into the backyard. I keep the drapes open all day and sometimes into the night, as Franklin and Winston really enjoy having a view outside. So far they seem to be ok with being house kitties, but I can tell they’re very intrigued by the whole phenomenon of weather: rain, wind, snow (this week's local April Fool’s joke), or even just the long rays of the afternoon sunshine filtering into the room.
Nothing intrigues them more, though, than our local Cat About Town, who stops by at all hours to pay a through-the-window visit. He looks about a year or two old, a mixed breed leaning towards Siamese. Grey tips, blue eyes, stripped tail, I’d call him a Frost Point, if he didn’t have a few missing points to his points. He is, in a word, adorable.
At first, this "intruder" made the boys quite nervous. But over time, Frankie and Win have become quite ardent fans of this “big kid” in the neighborhood. I only have to say “Oh, look, boys, it’s your buddy!” and they come running to the door, to press their noses against the window as they make little half-meow/half-purr sounds in cordial (stereophonic) greeting to their guest.
As part of our outreach to… ahh, no name! Well, as outreach to our guest, we’ve been putting out a bit of dry cat food when he stops by. Maintaining the kitty smorgasbord in Health Department-approved state poses a bit of a challenge, though, for the spring-awakened garden slugs are quite attracted to the food, and most days, the bowl contains far more protein than Mr. Purina might stipulate on his packages.
Name-TBD just paid the boys a late-night visit. I can’t help but wonder why he would be outside at 11:30 PM. But really, I can’t help but wonder why he’s out at all. Win and Frank immediately broke off their evening doze on the cat tree to perform their usual greeting ritual. Name-TBD daintily accepted a fresh, slug-free bowl of food, ate a few bites, and slipped away into the damp, dark night.
But before he left, I saw him peering inside the house, and from the wistful expression on his face, I can’t help but think he was noticing the climbing tree, the paper-filled pouncing box, the kitty blanket...imagining himself inside such a room, safe and warm. I know if I leave the door open for more than a few seconds, he will be inside. And really, I wonder if that would be a bad thing... :)
Poor nameless boy- he probably acts tough to impress the little guys. I don't know how much traffic you get around you, but I hope he has learned to look both ways.
Our Herbie(the love bug) was a drop-in. We tried insisting he go home, and he insisted he needed to come in to use our litter box. He ended up being my daughter's best friend and a perfect gentleman.
I love that: "drop in." :)
I've adopted my share of strays, but not in the last many years. It's sure tempting, though, and I think the boys would be ok with it. (Although they're so beautifully synced, I worry about upsetting the applecart of compatibility.)
The major problem is, I think he "belongs" to a family here in the cul-de-sac, and I'd feel a tad shabby taking him in without asking. And yet, asking seems an indictment, as if to imply they're not taking care of their pet, or I think I'd give it a better home, that sort of thing.
How does one gracefully offer to catnap their kitty? :)
We found out that our male, Grimace aka Grimmy, would be gone from home for a week at a time and yet he would return just as chubby as when he'd left. HHHhhhhmmmm?!? Could he have been visiting the Assisted-living apartments on our back street and found friends? Was he a bigamist cat that had a whole completely different family that he lived with every other week? I thought it would curb his wanderings if we had him "fixed"; but after he healed and was allowed back outside, he left never to return again. I could have sworn that I heard "nuts to you too, lady" as he was dashing out the door, but I've also been known to hear things that aren't really there! I can only hope that someone such as yourself or Linda have given him a good home since it was his choice to leave. "Dogs have masters; cats have servants" and the servants are chosen; we don't get to chose all the time.
Grimmy sounds like an interesting cat, Marje. I'm sorry he chose to hit the road. When I was about 15 our cat -- a beautiful orange-and-white Persian -- disappeared. We thought he might have been stolen. I saw him about a year later, lounging in the front year of a house a block away. I didn't try to reclaim him, though. I felt he had made a choice. Who knows, maybe they have small children to lavish him with attention, as I had done when I was younger. Or maybe they just offered a better quality of cat chow. :)
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